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点击:3281  作者:转基因观察    来源: 转基因观察  发布时间:2015-11-13 11:45:53
















《生物物理与化学杂志》2015年第15期发表《草甘膦,通向现代疾病的途径IV:癌症与相关病理》,作者为Anthony Samsel与 Stephanie Seneff。本文作者之一(Samsel)向美国环保署(EPA)请愿,要求提供70年代至80年代源自孟山都的文件副本,这些文件日期为70年代到80年代描述了孟山都进行的评价草甘膦人类食用是否安全的实验。

本部分概述证实草甘膦致肿瘤的三篇毒理学动物试验报告的发现:1)《用草甘膦的大鼠中三代生殖研究》,Bio/dynamics实验室完成,1981提交;2)《Stout, L.D.& Ruecker, F.A. 饲料中服用草甘膦给albino鼠的慢性研究》(24个月),1990年提交;3)《Lankas, G.R. and Hogan, G.K.。大鼠草甘膦(农达技术性)终生喂养研究》(27个月),Bio/dynamics实验室完成,1982提交。这些动物试验揭示草甘膦造成肿瘤发生在“垂体、甲状腺、胸腺、乳腺、睾丸、肾、胰腺、肝脏和肺部”;“统计上显著数量的淋巴细胞增生胸腺与重要的C-细胞甲状腺肿瘤”;“睾丸发生间质细胞肿瘤”;“胰岛细胞肿瘤”以及导致肿瘤一系列病变。


Monsanto's threetoxicology animal test reports during 80 - 90s proves tumorigenicity ofGlyphosate

Journal ofBiological Physics and Chemistry 15 (2015) has published "Glyphosate, pathwaysto modern diseases IV: cancer and related pathologies" by Anthony Samseland Stephanie Seneff

《生物物理与化学杂志》2015年第15期发表《草甘膦,通向现代疾病的途径:癌症与相关病理》,作者为Anthony Samsel与Stephanie Seneff。


Email of theauthors: anthonysamsel@acoustictracks.net

作者的邮箱: seneff@csail.mit.edu



One of us(Samsel) petitioned the EPA for copies of documents originating from Monsanto,dating from the 1970s through the 1980s, which described experiments conductedby Monsanto to evaluate whether glyphosate is safe for human consumption. Inthis section, we provide a summary of our findings related to those documents,especially withrespect to indications of kidney damage, tumorigenicity,bioaccumulation, and glyphosate metabolites.


Tumorigenicityof Glyphosate


A 26-monthlong-termstudy in rats conducted by Bio/dynamics revealedmultitudes oftumoursin glands and organs [13]. They occurred(from highest to lowestincidence) in the following organs:pituitary, thyroid, thymus,mammary glands,testes, kidney, pancreas, liver and lungs. Pituitary,thyroidand thymusglandscontrol body and immune function,and disruption can induce disease,including cancer. These glands produce many necessary hormonesthat controlnumerousbiologicalprocesses. Tumorigenic growth also disrupts functionalityofthe glands and organs where the growth occurs.


A Monsanto tradesecret document[13] revealed that there were statistically significantlymphocytichyperplasias of the thymus as well as significant C-cell thyroidtumours. Thymus lymphoidhyperplasia occurs in Graves disease and thymushyperplasia is commonly observedwith computed tomography(CT) scans of thyroidcancer patients [22], and is also associated with autoimmune disorders suchasmyasthenia gravis, lupus erythematosis, scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis[23].


It should benoted that significant incidence of tumours was found during theseinvestigations.However, to create doubt and obscure the statisticalsignificance of inconvenient findings, which may have prevented productregistration, Monsantoused experimental noise from 3, 5, 7 and even 11unrelatedstudy controlsto effectively eliminate results, as needed.


Insomeinstancesthe experiments’ own control showed 0% incidenceof tumours, while the resultsfor the glyphosate-treated groups were statistically significant. However,through the dishonest magic of comparingthe findings to data from unrelatedhistorical controls, they were explained away as a mystery and deemed not to berelated to administration of the glyphosate.


Using thesedeviations effectively neutralized the inconvenient results and thus allowedthe product to be brought to market.Had they not engaged in thisdeception,glyphosate may never havebeen registered for use. EPA documents show thatunanimity of opinion for productregistration wasnot reached. Not all members ofthe EPA glyphosate review committee approvedthe registration of glyphosate.There were those who dissented and signed “DO NOT CONCUR.”[Note]


Note: Thepractice of introducing “experimental noise” by using data from unrelatedhistorical controls is still in usetoday, but is obviously really badlaboratory practice. The European Union Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)WorkingGroup approved a guidance document for GLP inspectorsand test facilitiesin 2005; it is available at the EuropeanCommission (EC) GLP internet site [24].The documentdiscusses the responsibilities of the study director andtheprinciples of identifying misdosing as well as corrective measures.


The ECGLPdocument[24]notes:“Misdosingand/or cross- contamination ofthetestitemisalwaysarisk in animal studies. Theseproblems are usually detectedby the presence of the test item and /or itsmetabolites in plasma or other biological samples from control animals. It isrecognizedthat dietaryand topicalstudies might lead to a higher level andincidence of contamination of test item incontrolanimals. However,contamination of biological samples from control animalshas beenobserved alsoin studies usingother routes of administration, e.g. gavage, intravenous,intraperitoneal,subcutaneous or inhalation. Exposure of the control animalstothe test item may compromise orinvalidate the study from a scientific point ofview.”


Thus, theseunrelated historical controls were most likely corrupted studies, whether bytechnicianerror, contaminated water and /or feed, or other mistakes.Thisexplains Monsanto’s collusion with the EPA and the subsequent hiding of thedata from purview.


Data tables are presented in Tables 2 through7, without the use ofexperimental noise from historical controls. Only the data results oftheexperiment are shown.


Table 2. 1981Bio/dynamics 26-month glyphosate feeding study [17]: interstitial cell tumoursof thetestes in Sprague Dawley rats.


Table3. 1981Bio/dynamics 26-month glyphosate feeding study [17]. Incidence of kidneyfocaltubular dilatation (FTD) and focal tubuler nephrosis (FTN) in SpragueDawley rats.


Table4. 1981Bio/dynamics 26-month glyphosate feedingstudy [17]: incidence of pancreaticislet celltumoursin male Sprague Dawley rats.


Table5. 1990Stout & Rueker 24 month glyphosate feedingstudy [15]: incidenceofpancreaticislet cell tumoursin male SpragueDawley rats.

5、1990 年Stout & Rueker的24个月草甘膦喂养研究[15]:雄SD大鼠中胰岛细胞肿瘤发生率。

Table6. 1990 Stout & Rueker 24 monthglyphosatefeeding study [15]: incidence of thyroid C-celltumours in maleSprague Dawley rats.

6、1990 年Stout & Rueker的24个月草甘膦喂养研究[15]:雄SD大鼠中甲状腺C-细胞肿瘤。

Table 7. 1990Stout and Rueker24 month glyphosate feeding study [15]:incidenceofthyroidC-cell tumours in female Sprague Dawleyrats.

6、1990 年Stout & Rueker的24个月草甘膦喂养研究[15]:雌SD大鼠中甲状腺C-细胞肿瘤。

In a long-termstudy conducted by Monsanto between 1987 and 1989 [15], glyphosate was found toinduce a statistically significant (P < 0.05) cataractous lens formation,highest in male rats.

孟山都1987年与1989年之间进行的一个长期研究[15],发现草甘膦诱发统计学显著(P< 0.05)白内障形成率,雄鼠中最高。

Considerablyhigher doses of glyphosate, i.e., 2000, 8000 and 20 000 ppm, were administeredto low-,mid- and high-dose animals respectively, as compared to long-termstudies conducted on mice and rats in the early 1980s.

相当高剂量草甘膦,2000、8000与20 000 ppm,各自服用给低剂量组、中剂量组与高剂量组动物,与80年代初期对小鼠与大鼠进行的长期研究进行比较。

Overthe courseof the study, cataract lens changes were seen in low-, mid- and high-dosedgroups of both male and female rats.


Asecondpathology examination also found statistically significant changes (see Table8). The pathologist concluded that there was a glyphosate- treatment relatedresponse for lens changes to the eyes. Monsanto documents also revealed anincreased incidence of basophilic degeneration of the posterior subcapsularlens (fibroses) in highly dosed males.


Table 8.Incidence and occurrence of ophthalmic degenerative lens changes byglyphosate[15].


At theconclusion and termination of the experiment, further incidence of degenerative lens changes was revealed, asshown in Table 8. The ophthalmic examination yielded no noticeable changes tothe control animals (0/15 or 0.0%); however, highly dosed males weresignificantly impacted as 5/20 (25%), as shown in Table 9.


The study againnoted that “the occurrence of degenerative lens changes in high dose male ratsappears to have been exacerbated by (glyphosate) treatment” [15]. Unrelatedhistorical controls were used to negate all findings.


Table 9. Data onunilateral and bilateral cataracts (all types) and Y-suture opacities,excluding “prominent Y suture”, following glyphosate exposure to rats. FromStout & Rueker (1990) [15]

Stout&Ruecker [15] noted in a two year study with chronic feeding of glyphosate inrats: “Histopathological examination revealed an increase in the number ofmid-dose females displaying inflammation of the stomach squamous mucosa.Thiswas the only statistically significant occurrence of non-neoplastic lesions.”


Incidence oflesions of the squamous mucosa are shown in Table 10. Again, Monsanto usedunrelated historical controls to negate these findings.


Table10.Lesions of the stomach squamous mucosa in rats chronically exposed to glyphosateat three different levels (adapted from Stout and Ruecker [15].

10、暴露于三种不同剂量草甘膦大鼠中的胃鳞状上皮炎病变(引用自Stout and Ruecker研究[15])。



13.Monsanto. Athree-generation reproduction study in rats with glyphosate.FinalReport.Bio/dynamics Project No.77-2063.Submitted to EPA for evaluation.(31March 1981).


15.Stout, L.D.& Ruecker, F.A. Chronicstudy of glyphosate administered in feed to albinorats.Unpublished Study, Project No. MSL-10495. Monsanto Agricultural Company(2,175 pp.)EPAMRID 416438-01 (26 September 1990).

15、Stout, L.D. & Ruecker, F.A.。饲料中服用草甘膦给albino鼠的慢性研究。未发表研究,项目编号No.MSL-10495。孟山都农业公司(2,175 pp.)EPAMRID 416438-01(1990年9月26日)。

17.Lankas,G.R.and Hogan, G.K. A lifetime feedingstudy of glyphosate (Roundup technical) inrats Project#77-2062. (Unpublished study received20 January 1982 under 524-308;Bio/dynamics Inc., submittedby Monsanto to the EPA. Includes the studies4-volumeQuality Control evaluation of the Bio/dynamics assessment performed byExperimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc. (2,914 pp.)CDL:246617-A;246618;246619; 246620; 246621). MRID 00093879.

17、Lankas, G.R. and Hogan,G.K.。大鼠草甘膦(农达技术性)终生喂养研究,项目号#77-2062(为出版研究,524-308项下1982年1月20日收到;Bio/dynamics实验室完成,孟山都提交给美国环保署。包括研究4卷,对Bio/dynamics实验室研究的质量控制评价由实验性病理学实验室评估(2,814pp)CDL:246617-A;246618; 246619;246620; 246621)。MRID00093879。

22.Niendorf,E.R., Parker,J.A., Yechoor, V., Garber,J.R. & Boiselle, P.M.Thymichyperplasia in thyroidcancer patients.J. Thoracic Imaging. 20 (2005) 1–4.

22.Niendorf,E.R., Parker, J.A.,Yechoor, V., Garber, J.R. & Boiselle, P.M. 甲状腺患者中的胸腺增生。胸成像杂志。20 (2005) 1–4.

23.Lee, D.K.,Hakim,F.T. & Gress, R.E. The thymus and the immune system:Layered levels ofcontrol. J. Thoracic Oncol. 5(10, Suppl 4) (2010) S273–S276.

23.Lee, D.K.,Hakim,F.T. & Gress, R.E.。胸腺与免疫系统:层次化的控制。(10,增订本14)(2010)S273–S276.

24.EuropeanCommission. Guidancedocument for GLP inspectors and GLP test facilities.Version2,2004–11-26 / MPA-RH.

24.欧洲委员会。良好操作实验室检察员与良好操作实验室设施指导文件。第2版,2004–11-26 / MPA-RH.








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