本世纪初一个暮春的午后,爱丁堡大学东亚研究院一德国留学生走出研究室,应约来到乔治广场公园的露天咖啡座,他刚坐下,对方劈头就说:“你非要去中国寻找什么佛陀不可吗?我们可以用交换生名义送你去台湾,也能提供到香港的奖学金……”裴德思( Thorsten J. Pattberg)察觉来者不善,摇著头起身离去,此时暖阳洒在碧草如茵的地上,可他的内心却一片阴寒萧瑟。来者是英国军情六处的特工,裴德思有此遭遇,仅因他决定从梵文的学习转往中国做佛教研究。拿到北大博士学位多年后他于《即将遭清洗的中国通(The Coming Purge of the China-Hands)》中细说从前:
(Unbeknownst to me back then, I landed on anti-China state security lists of the British MI6, the German BND, and the American CIA. It basically amounts to flying with SSSS ‘Secondary Screening Security Selection’, the complete banishment from Western clubs, organizations, the media and so on. They spread rumors, call your employers. It is no fun. Edinburgh put me on the watch list, sent me huge bills, and put my degree on hold for two years.My supervisors and lecturers turned from sweet and caring people into monsters. And my classmates began to disassociate from me, of course, to save their skin.)
(There comes a time during or shortly after the academic training of every “Student of China” when he frequently runs into one of the many agents of Western anti-China state security.They are adverse hostile forces, they run a complete background-check on you, and then they‘ll make you a simple offer: You either produce anti-Chinese content for the West, or they‘ll mark you as anti-democratic and enemy of freedom, a traitor. In that case, you’ll never find work in the West again.And if you make a big fuss about it and cry coercion or blackmail, they are gonna start decomposing you.)
(In the entire world, there are perhaps 50 to 100 such Western “China Experts.” They form the real Government of China, and they live outside of China. You have read that correctly: That government in China over there in China, the “Communist Party of China” or CPC, is considered illegitimate in the West. The West’s ideal “Government of China” is a Western government, and it is run by Western “China Experts,” administered by Western agents and bureaucrats, and it is plentifully staffed with pro-Western Chinese serviles.)
(“China Studies” is not about China. It could be, but it is not. It is warfare against China. To keep China down. To sabotage her. To control her people and her history.In this war, it is the West or you perish. )
“第一本叫《媒体战士》,关于西方记者如何从事颠覆和破坏中国的活动;第二本《新文明》,关于中国人能做和不能做的事。这两本书应该推荐给每家图书馆。如果你想经受事实的进一步冲击,还有第三本,《Finis Sinarum》,讲的是美国人如何对中国高校进行战略渗透。”
作者:古明浩;来源:昆仑策网【作者来稿】图片来源网络 侵删
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