我刚在CNN看到一篇最新新闻,看过后几乎可以合理推断,病毒就是美军故意释放到武汉的。这是CNN新闻地址:https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/08/politics/intel-agencies-covid-november/index.html美国情报部门11月就开始追踪武汉的新冠病毒,而我们国内最早在2019年12月30日,才由艾芬拿到一份不明肺炎病人的病毒检测报告,她用红色圈出「SARS冠状病毒」字样,当大学同学问起时,她将这份报告拍下来传给了这位同是医生的同学。当晚,这份报告传遍了武汉的医生圈,外界才知道有病毒存在。请问特朗普,美国军方的情报人员为什么在中国发现COVID-19病毒之前一个月就开始追踪新型冠状病毒?是不是你们武汉世界军运会期间投的毒?May I ask President Trump, why did the US military intelligence personnel start tracking the COVID-19 one month before the virus was discovered in China? Was it a virus that you released during the Wuhan World Military Games?以下是新闻翻译:(CNN)US spy agencies were tracking the rise of the novel coronavirus as early as November, weeks before that information was included in President Donald Trump's daily intelligence briefing, a former US military official told CNN.美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)一名前美国军方官员告诉CNN,美国间谍机构早在11月就在追踪这种新型冠状病毒的崛起,几周后,这一信息才被纳入总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的每日情报简报。While the exact date of the first report remains unclear, sources told CNN that intelligence gathered in November and in the weeks following offered multiple early warnings about the potential severity ofthe pandemic now surging in the US.虽然第一份报告的确切日期尚不清楚,但消息人士告诉CNN,11月和随后几周收集的情报对目前在美国激增的大流行的潜在严重程度提供了多个早期警告。Intelligence is often only elevated to the highest levels of the government once analysts and officials reach a certain threshold of confidence in their assessment. That day came on January 3, the first day the President's daily briefing included information the US intelligence community had gathered about the contagion in China and the potential it had to spread, including to the US, according to a person briefed on the matter.通常只有当分析人士和官员对他们的评估达到一定的信任门槛时,情报才会被提升到政府的最高级别。据一位知情人士透露,那一天是1月3日,也就是总统每日简报的第一天,内容包括美国情报界收集的有关疫情在中国蔓延的信息,以及疫情蔓延至美国(包括美国)的可能性。But behind the scenes, the work had been going on for weeks, with the CIA and other intelligence agencies combing through their collection to find out what China was beginning to grapple with.'I don't know exactly'但在幕后,这项工作已经进行了数周,中央情报局(CIA)和其他情报机构梳理了他们的情报,以找出中国开始努力应对的是什么。“我不太清楚。”ABC News reported earlier Wednesday that the National Center for Medical Intelligence, a branch of the Defense Intelligence Agency, compiled information in November warning that a new virus was spreading through China's Wuhan region.美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)周三早些时候报道称,国防情报局下属的国家医学情报中心(National Center For Medical Intelligence)在11月汇编了信息,警告称一种新病毒正在中国武汉地区传播。A defense official denied any such report existed, telling CNN, "NCMI and the Defense Intelligence Agency spent considerable time over the last 24 hours examining every possible product that could have been identified as related to this topic and have found no such product."The Pentagon also issued a statement denying the ABC News report late Wednesday.一名国防部官员否认存在这样的报道,他告诉CNN,“NCMI和国防情报局在过去的24小时里花了相当长的时间检查每一种可能与这个话题相关的项目,但没有发现这样的项目。”五角大楼还发表声明否认ABC新闻周三晚些时候的报道。"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters. However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists," Colonel Dr. R. Shane Day, director of the National Center for Medical Intelligence, said.国家医学情报中心主任R.Shane Day博士表示:“实际上,国家医学情报中心不会对具体的情报问题发表公开评论。然而,在当前的公共健康危机中,为了提高透明度,我们可以确认,媒体关于2019年11月存在/发布国家医学情报中心冠状病毒相关产品/评估的报道是不正确的。不存在这样的NCMI项目,”国家医学情报中心主任R.Shane Day博士说。The question of when the President was first aware of the Covid-19 threat has become politically sensitive as the US death toll surges, the administration's response comes under fire and Trump repeatedly denies it was possible to know how deadly the virus would be.随着美国死亡人数激增,政府的回应受到抨击,特朗普一再否认有可能知道这种病毒的致命程度,总统何时第一次意识到Covid-19的威胁在政治上变得敏感起来。On Wednesday, Trump said that he only learned about the seriousness of the coronavirus "just prior" to enacting US travel restrictions on China that took effect February 2.周三,特朗普表示,他只是在2月2日生效的美国对中国旅行限制颁布之前才了解到冠状病毒的严重性。Asked about the ABC News report during the daily coronavirus task force briefing, Trump said he "learned about the gravity of it was some time just prior to closing the country to China and when we closed up the flights coming into China, various other elements and as you know, we closed up to Europe. So, I don't know, exactly, but I'd like to see the information."在每日冠状病毒工作组吹风会上,当被问及ABC新闻的报道时,特朗普表示,他“在美国对中国关闭之前的一段时间,当我们关闭进入中国的航班,各种其他因素,以及你知道的,我们关闭了欧洲。所以,我不知道,确切地说,但我想看看相关信息。”According to the person briefed on the matter, by early to mid-December, Chinese social media and even state-controlled media had begun providing public clues about the struggle to contain a respiratory illness that at the time was being compared to SARS, a similar 2003 virus outbreak that also emerged from China.据这位知情人士透露,到12月初到12月中旬,中国的社交媒体,甚至是国家控制的媒体,都开始提供有关努力遏制呼吸道疾病的公开线索。当时,人们将这种疾病与SARS相提并论,SARS是2003年爆发的类似病毒,也是从中国爆发的。Beijing officially notified the World Health Organization of an outbreak of a pneumonia of unknown cause on December 31.北京于12月31日正式向世界卫生组织通报了一起不明原因肺炎的爆发。The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is tasked with producing the President's daily briefing, and the National Security Council, declined to comment on the timing of initial warnings about the outbreak in China.负责制作总统每日简报的国家情报总监办公室(Office Of The Director Of National Intelligence)和国家安全委员会(National Security Council)拒绝就有关中国疫情爆发的初步警告的时间发表评论。CIA officials tell CNN they are not aware of a specific report from November warning about an emerging crisis in China and declined to say when their own assessments were entered into what is known as the intelligence cycle, a process that coordinates information flowing among relevant agencies.中情局官员告诉CNN,他们不知道去年11月有一份具体报告警告中国正在出现危机,并拒绝透露他们自己的评估是何时进入所谓的情报周期的,情报周期是一个协调相关机构之间信息流动的过程。That process is often fluid, current and former intelligence officials told CNN, noting that reports and assessments are constantly updated as more information comes in.现任和前任情报官员告诉CNN,这个过程往往是不稳定的,他们指出,随着更多信息的到来,报告和评估会不断更新。Ongoing work 正在进行的工作。Multiple officials say that open source information served as a jumping off point for intelligence officials early on and was combined with information gathered through other methods before it was ultimately included in the January 3 Presidential Daily Briefing.多名官员表示,开源信息在早期是情报官员的起点,在最终被纳入1月3日的总统每日吹风会之前,它与通过其他方法收集的信息结合在一起。Intelligence work continues on the virus. The CIA has emphasized its expertise in assessing the outbreak's impact on foreign governments and leadership, as well as how that could affect US national security.有关该病毒的情报工作仍在继续。中情局强调了其在评估疫情对外国政府和领导层的影响以及这可能如何影响美国国家安全方面的专业知识。Intelligence officials are also trying to determine how many cases and deaths have occurred in countries like China, where US officials say the publicly reported numbers cannot be trusted.情报官员还试图确定在像中国这样的国家发生了多少病例和死亡人数,美国官员表示,在这些国家,公开报道的数字不可信。"I trust that the IC was looking very hard at China in the early days when the Chinese were less than forthcoming," former Director of National Intelligence and CNN contributor James Clapper said last month. "It's a crucial role when governments aren't forthcoming."前国家情报总监、CNN撰稿人詹姆斯·克拉珀(James Clapper)上个月表示:“我相信,在中国人不太坦率的早期,IC对中国非常关注。”“在各国政府不愿出面的时候,这是一个至关重要的角色。”Much of the information flowing from the intelligence community on the current crisis comes from National Center for Medical Intelligence, Clapper added. The NCIM is a unique outfit that combines wide-ranging, advanced medical expertise with intelligence gathering and assessments.克拉珀补充说,从情报界流出的关于当前危机的大部分信息都来自国家医学情报中心(National Center For Medical Intelligence)。NCIM是一个独特的机构,它将广泛、先进的医疗专业知识与情报收集和评估相结合。"I'm sure they're busier than hell right now," Clapper, who once ran the DIA, said of the center, which is the main source of medical intelligence for the federal government.“我肯定他们现在忙得要死,”曾负责DIA的克拉珀在谈到该中心时说,该中心是联邦政府医疗情报的主要来源。CNN reported last month that ODNI and the CIA had been providing a steady flow of intelligence to oversight committees on Capitol Hill, giving the intelligence committees in the House and Senate daily briefings and updates on the spread of the virus, according to two congressional aides.据两名国会助手透露,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)上个月报道称,ODNI和中央情报局(CIA)一直在向国会山的监督委员会提供稳定的情报流,每天向参众两院的情报委员会通报病毒传播的最新情况。The updates focused mainly on the tally of those cases and whether they match what is being reported publicly.最新情况主要集中在这些病例的统计数字以及它们是否与公开报道的情况相符。CNN's Ryan Browne contributed to this reportCNN的瑞安·布朗对这篇报道也有贡献2020-04-09