“现任中国科学院武汉病毒研究所研究员。 美国微生物科学院院士。 武汉病毒所新发传染病研究中心主任、武汉国家生物安全实验室(四级)副主任、生物安全三级实验室主任、生物安全工作委员会主任、新发病毒学科组组长。”
在2015年11月9日的Nature学术期刊上,刊登了一篇文章。题目是“ASARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for humanemergence”【中文翻译大致意思是:一群类SARS性质的circulating蝙蝠冠状病毒展现了在人群中出现的潜在可能性。(很抱歉,因为不是学医学的,这个翻译只能凑合着理解了。而且circulating这个词有传播的意思,有循环的意思,但是我不知道它在这个场合应该是什么意思,就直接把它放在句式里面了。)】。其作者名字,按照先后顺序排列,分别是:VineetD Menachery, Boyd L Yount Jr, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar Agnihothram, Lisa EGralinski, Jessica A Plante, Rachel L Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge, Eric FDonaldson, Scott H Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A Marasco, Zhengli-LiShi & Ralph S Baric。
那么这样看来,这个文章的最主要的贡献者就是名字后面加了一个小信封标志的两个人:VineetD Menachery,和RalphS Baric。
而石正丽呢?一个酷似石正丽的名字的英文Zhengli-LiShi(多了一个Li),是15个作者中第14个名字,这个人,确定是石正丽吗?Nature上面给出了她的工作单位(Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens andBiosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan,China。这个单位就是武汉病毒所。如果武汉病毒所同时间并没有一个叫做石正丽丽的人出现,那么这个人可以被认为是石正丽了。)按照这些作者的排名,她被排在了第14位,因此其贡献是否是可有可无、可以忽略不计呢?还是说,她具体在这个项目上做了什么工作呢?
同时,这里面第9个名字是Xing-Yi Ge,他是不是百度百科里面所记载的“2019年1月8日,中国蝙蝠携带重要病毒研究,国家自然科学二等奖,获奖者:石正丽、葛行义、张树义、李艳、杨兴娄(单位均为中国科学院武汉病毒研究所)”里面的葛行义?如果是,这个人的名字都在石正丽之前,这意味着什么呢?
“Contributions V.D.M. designed, coordinated and performed experiments,completed analysis and wrote the manuscript. B.L.Y. designed theinfectious clone and recovered chimeric viruses; S.A. completed neutralizationassays; L.E.G. helped perform mouse experiments; T.S. and J.A.P. completedmouse experiments and plaque assays; X.-Y.G. performedpseudotyping experiments; K.D. generated structural figures andpredictions; E.F.D. generated phylogenetic analysis; R.L.G. completed RNAanalysis; S.H.R. provided primary HAE cultures; A.L. and W.A.M. providedcritical monoclonal antibody reagents; and Z.-L.S.provided SHC014 spike sequences and plasmids. R.S.B.designed experiments and wrote manuscript.”【此处可见:VDM设计、协调并且执行了实验,完成了分析,写好了文稿。他是主要工作的人。而石正丽提供了SHCO14和质粒,最后面的大老板负责设计实验和写论文的文稿。】
Theemergence of SARS-CoV heralded a new era in the cross-species transmission ofsevere respiratory illness with globalization leading to rapid spread aroundthe world and massive economic impact.(SARS冠状病毒的出现已经开启了一个严重呼吸疾病跨物种传播的全球一体化新纪元,导致全球化迅速传播和巨大的经济影响) Sincethen, several strains—including influenza A strains H5N1, H1N1 and H7N9 andMERS-CoV—have emerged from animal populations, causing considerable disease,mortality and economic hardship for the afflicted regions. (自此,一些疾病,包括甲流H5N1, H1N1 ,H7N9,MERS-CoV,已经从动物种群中出现,导致受影响地区的疾病、死亡、和经济困顿。)Althoughpublic health measures were able to stop the SARS-CoV outbreak, recentmetagenomics studies have identified sequences of closely related SARS-likeviruses circulating in Chinese bat populations that may pose a future threat. (虽然公共卫生措施有能力阻止SARS冠状病毒的爆发,最近的元基因组研究已经确认了在中国的蝙蝠种群中所传播的几组密切相关的类SARS病毒,而他们可能构成未来的威胁。)However, sequence data alone providesminimal insights to identify and prepare for future prepandemic viruses. (然而,序列数据本身对于确认并且防范未来的全球传染性病毒能够提供的见解少而又少。)Therefore, to examine the emergencepotential (that is, the potential to infect humans) of circulating bat CoVs, webuilt a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein—from theRsSHC014-CoV sequence that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats—in thecontext of the SARS-CoV mouse-adapted backbone. (因此,为了研究蝙蝠冠状病毒出现的可能性,即:人受到蝙蝠冠状病毒感染的可能性,我们构建了一个嵌合病毒,从中国horseshoe蝙蝠分离出来的RsSHC014-CoV序列里编码了一个新型的人畜共患的冠状病毒spike蛋白,将其置于SARS冠状病毒mouse-adapted backbone的环境下。)The hybrid virus allowed us to evaluate theability of the novel spike protein to cause disease independently of othernecessary adaptive mutations in its natural backbone.(这个合成病毒允许我们分析新型的spike蛋白导致疾病的能力,即:在其自然的backbone之上,不受到其他必要的适应性变异而影响的情况下导致疾病的能力) …(后面内容省略)
(1)VineetD Menachery是谁?
用名字检索,第一步查询到Vineet D Menachery的工作单位如下:
链接里面显示说:他是The University of Texas Medical Branch里面Department of Microbiology &Immunology(微生物学与免疫学系)里面的一个assistantprofessor(助理教授)。并且显示了,2017年5月之前,他是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的一名博士后(Post-doctoralFellowship)。所以,我们上文所说的文章在2015年发表的时候,其第一作者只是当时的一名博士后学生。照常理说,一篇文章主要是由一名博士后学生做的,那么这个文章的难度本身想来也不会很大。
然而,第二步的查询比第一步似乎更有深意。2017年6月28日的一篇刊登在科学杂志上的文章(题目:Broad-spectrumantiviral GS-5734 inhibits both epidemic and zoonotic coronaviruses,【中文翻译:广谱抗病毒药物GS-5734抑制流行性人畜共患的冠状病毒】),把Vineet D Menachery和Remdesivir(瑞德西韦,俗称“人民的希望”)所在的Gilead制药公司联系在了一起。
在图片中可以清晰的看出:Vineet D Menachery是这篇文章的第四个作者,不是“打酱油、蹭热度”的,而是切切实实参与研究工作的。而最耐人寻味的是这篇文章最下面的“致谢”部分。
Acknowledgments:We would like to thank A. West and D. T. Scobey for excellent technicalexpertise. Funding: This study was funded by the Antiviral Drug Discovery andDevelopment Center (5U19AI109680), grants from the NIH (AI108197 and AI109761),and the Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Diseases Research and Treatment Center(BOUCHE15RO and NIH P30DK065988). Travel of M.R.D. to Gilead Sciences Inc. to discuss thisproject was paid for by Gilead Sciences.In addition, compound formulation and pharmacokinetic and metabolism studieswere performed and paid for by Gilead Sciences. Author contributions: A.C.S.,J.Y.F., T.P.S., T.C., R.J., and R.B. designed the in vitro efficacy studies.A.C.S., T.P.S., and S.R.L. executed and analyzed the in vitro efficacy studies.T.P.S., J.Y.F., R.J., T.C., R.S.B., and A.S.R. designed the in vivo efficacystudies. T.P.S. executed and analyzed the in vivo efficacy studies. R.B. scoredthe pathology and virus lung antigen staining. R.L.G. and K.P. performedqRT-PCR. V.D.M. and L.E.G. performed WBP for some invivo studies. J.B.C. and M.R.D. designed and performed the pilot studiesinitially demonstrating efficacy against CoV. C.A.P., R.B., Y.P., D.B., andA.S.R., designed, executed, and analyzed the metabolism, pharmacokinetics,stability, or toxicity studies. M.O.C., D.S., R.L.M., J.E.S., and I.T. wereresponsible for the synthesis, scale-up, and formulation of small molecules.T.P.S., A.C.S., J.Y.F., T.C., R.S.B., M.R.D., D.B., R.J., and A.S.R. wrote themanuscript. Competing interests: The authors affiliatedwith Gilead Sciences are employees of the company and may own company stock.M.O.C., J.Y.F., R.J., R.L.M., A.S.R., and D.S. are listed as inventors oninternational application no. PCT/US2016/052092 filed by Gilead Sciences Inc.,directed to methods of treating coronaviridae virus infections. Allother authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materialsavailability: GS-5734 was made available to UNC under a materials transferagreement with Gilead Sciences.
“致谢:我们要感谢A. West和DTScobey出色的技术专长。资金:该研究由抗病毒药物发现和开发中心(5U19AI109680),NIH(AI108197和AI109761)以及囊性纤维化和肺病研究与治疗中心(BOUCHE15RO和NIH P30DK065988)资助。MRD前往Gilead Sciences Inc.讨论该项目的旅行由Gilead Sciences支付。此外,由吉利德科学公司(Gilead Sciences)进行并支付了化合物配方以及药代动力学和代谢研究的费用。作者贡献:ACS,JYF,TPS,TC,RJ和RB设计了体外功效研究。ACS,TPS和SRL执行并分析了体外功效研究。TPS,JYF,RJ,TC,RSB和ASR设计了体内功效研究。TPS执行并分析了体内功效研究。RB评分病理和病毒肺抗原染色。RLG和KP进行qRT-PCR。VDM和LEG对一些体内研究进行了WBP。JBC和MRD设计并进行了初步研究,初步证明了抗冠状病毒的功效。CAP,RB,YP,DB和ASR设计,执行并分析了代谢,药代动力学,稳定性或毒性研究。MOC,DS,RLM,JES和IT负责小分子的合成,放大和配制。TPS,ACS,JYF,TC,RS竞争利益:与Gilead Sciences关联的作者是公司的雇员,可能拥有公司股票。MOC,JYF,RJ,RLM,ASR和DS被列为国际申请No. Gilead Sciences Inc.提交的PCT / US2016 / 052092涉及治疗冠状病毒科病毒感染的方法。所有其他作者声明他们没有竞争利益。数据和材料的可用性:GS-5734是根据与Gilead Sciences的材料转让协议提供给UNC的。”
Vineet D Menachery这个人,2015年参与制作冠状病毒,设计、协调并且执行了实验,完成了分析,写好了文稿(说全文都是他完成的也不为过了),而2017年又参与制作抗冠状病毒的药品Remdesivir。左手制毒,右手制药,Vineet D Menachery,你是不是有点忙啊?!!
(2)RalphS Baric是谁?
用名字检索,第一步查询到Ralph S Baric的工作单位如下:
在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的全球公共卫生学院(Gillings School ofGlobal public Health)里,他被夸上了天。我仅摘抄一段如下:
RalphBaric’s research specializes in coronaviruses(冠状病毒) and emerging infections like Zika virus(寨卡病毒). In a recent interview, he discusses whether the world is prepared for the next superbug outbreak.
In2017, Dr. Baric was named to Clarivate Analytics’ Highly Cited Researcherslist, which recognizes researchers from around the world who published the mostwidely cited papers in their field.
Severalnews stories from the Gillings School exemplify Dr. Baric's work:
-"Gillings School researchers receive $6M+ grant to fight infectious diseases" (August 2017)
-"New drug holds potential to defeat coronaviruses" (June 2017)
-"Collaborative lab environment leads to major weapon in Zika fight"(December 2016)
-"Antibodies from Dengue fever survivors can be used to prevent Zikainfection" (July 2016)
-"Baric to lead $10 million NIH grant"(September 2013)
-"Baric receives $21.4M from NIAID to studylife-threatening viral infections" (September 2012)
但是,第二步的查询比第一步更有时代结合感。在Nature期刊的官方网站上,清楚的列着Ralph S Baric最近在Nature上发表的文章和参与的活动。
(1)The species Severeacute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus: classifying 2019-nCoV andnaming it SARS-CoV-2
2020年3月2日,将2019新冠命名为SARS-CoV-2,是Coronaviridae Study Group of the International Committee onTaxonomy of Viruses(国际病毒名称学委员会冠状病毒研究小组)做的事情。而在这个小组里,Ralph S. Baric名列第四。
让我们记住这些人: Alexander E. Gorbalenya, Susan C.Baker, Ralph S. Baric, Raoul J. de Groot, ChristianDrosten, Anastasia A. Gulyaeva, Bart L. Haagmans, ChrisLauber, Andrey M. Leontovich, Benjamin W. Neuman, DmitryPenzar, Stanley Perlman, Leo L. M. Poon, Dmitry V.Samborskiy, Igor A. Sidorov, Isabel Sola & John Ziebuhr
Comparativethe rapeutic efficacy of remdesivir and combination lopinavir, ritonavir, andinterferon beta against MERS-CoV.
在这篇文章中,Ralph S Baric照样是名列压轴的最后那个大老板,稳稳的占住了他的位置,并且标明是通讯作者。当然,第一名也是通讯作者,是具体工作的人。这个格式,和2015年那篇SARS-like文章的作者格式如出一辙。
1月10日,1月10日发生了什么?1月10日,王广发还没有染病,还在告诉媒体“可防可控”。武汉人民还在欢欣雀跃的准备迎接新年。石正丽在直播中列出时间表,说她“1月5日分离到新型冠状病毒”。而关于MERS-CoV的研究,至少2013年就有了,为什么要在2020年1月份,被Ralph S Baric重新提及,有什么时代意义吗?
请问:她是怎么认识Ralph S Baric的,又是在什么情况下答应和他一起在中国做蝙蝠冠状病毒的相关研究的?
这所大学的英文名字叫做The University of North Carolina at ChapelHill.在US News的年度美国教育排名中,这所学校的医学院在研究实力(Research)上,居然无法进入前20名。
(当然,他们的Primary Care基础医疗排名很高,但是这似乎和病毒研究没有什么关系。)
因此,我们有理由认为:这所大学的医学研究实力并没有那么杰出。那么,这样一个并不杰出的研究型医学院,里面有一个很会拿到科研基金的教授,他一定要研究冠状病毒,并且碰巧2015年让石正丽和Xing-yi Ge进入了他的研究团队,这些都是意欲何为呢?
2014年10月16日,美国奥巴马执政期间,NIH通过了一项声明,中止资助对人类有巨大潜在危害的病毒功能获得性(gainof function)改造研究。
Statement on Funding Pause on Certain Types of Gain-of-FunctionResearch
TheWhite House Office of Science and Technology Policy announced todaythat the U.S. government will undertake a deliberative process to assess therisks and benefits of certain gain-of-function (GOF) experiments withinfluenza, SARS, and MERS viruses in order to develop a new Federal policyregarding the funding of this research. During this deliberative process, U.S.government agencies will institute a pause on the funding of any new studiesinvolving these experiments. For purposes of the deliberative process and thisfunding pause, “GOF studies” refers to scientific research that increases theability of any of these infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing itspathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility among mammals byrespiratory droplets.
NIHhas funded such studies because they help define the fundamental nature ofhuman-pathogen interactions, enable the assessment of the pandemic potential ofemerging infectious agents, and inform public health and preparedness efforts.These studies, however, also entail biosafety and biosecurity risks, which needto be understood better. NIH will be adhering to this funding pause until therobust and broad deliberative process described by the White House — includingconsultation with the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB)and input from the National Research Council of the National Academies — iscompleted.
Duringthis pause, NIH will not provide new funding for any projects involving theseexperiments and encourages those currently conducting this type of work —whether federally funded or not — to voluntarily pause their research while thegovernment determines how to proceed.
Publicinvolvement in this deliberative process is key, and the process is thusdesigned to be transparent, accessible, and open to input from all sources.Consultation with the NSABB, the first step in this process, will take placeOctober 22, and I encourage you to follow these deliberations closely.
FrancisS. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, National Institutes of Health
石正丽,你喜欢Nature期刊吗?其实2015年的研究都是人家VineetD Menachery做的,拿钱和设计实验的是Ralph Baric,你蹭热度取得的名和利,就这么心安理得的承受?如果今天美国无法承受病毒之伤痛,挖出了Vineet D Menachery和Ralph Baric,那么你也陪着他们俩一起站上审判台吗?